Hikes of
  El Hierro

Mapa de senderos de El Hierro en españolTrails map for hiking in El Hierro in englishKarte der Wanderwege von El Hierro in DeutschCarte des sentiers de El Hierro en français
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General information about El Hierro

The island of El Hierro is the youngest, smallest, most western and most southern of the Canary Islands. It was declared a World Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 2000 and a Geopark in 2014. An island with barely 10,000 inhabitants, making it also the least populated of the Canary Islands.

The island of El Hierro is also known in Spanish as the “Meridian Island” because it was considered the westernmost point of the known world for many centuries. The astronomer and astrologist Ptolemy was attributed with having located the prime meridian at Punta de Orchilla, until it was moved to its current location of Greenwhich in 1884.

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